Pat Carney: The Viking Sasquatch Code
The Viking Sasquatch Code:
How Pat Carney is Hacking the Future of Title & Escrow
Let’s be real for a second— when it comes to software, the title and escrow industry can sometimes feel complicated. It's a space where complexity reigns, and software systems often lag behind the rapidly evolving digital landscape. Yet as the shift toward digital-first closings accelerates, title and escrow companies are feeling the heat to keep pace with technology that often feels one step ahead—and they're struggling to catch up.
Enter Viking Sasquatch. Led by Pat Carney and a 30+ member team, this rogue operation is on a mission to change the way title & escrow companies look at tech. Armed with custom development solutions for Title Production Software and API integrations, virtual CTO consulting, and innovative tech tools, Viking Sasquatch is fiercely determined to crack the code on the industry’s most elusive challenges. But let’s back up—where did this legendary name come from?
Turns out, it has as much to do with late-night hijinks as it does with innovation. "It was after a long night at a conference in New Orleans," Carney recalls, grinning at the memory. "We had these brutal breakfast meetings the next morning, and one guy looks over at me and says, ‘Look at that Viking Sasquatch—he’s not even hurting.’" Carney decided to own the nickname, using it as the banner for his company. Why? Because, like its mythical namesake, Viking Sasquatch was meant to stand out from the pack. "I don’t want us to be like anybody else," he says. "The name represents our drive to be different, to be bold."
And bold they are. Viking Sasquatch isn’t just another consulting firm—they’re hackers in the best sense of the word. They host off-site coding getaways to prototype new ideas, brainstorm big solutions, and get creative. And then there’s the annual "Berserker" event, where they sell branded Viking Sasquatch gear, donating proceeds to the Navy SEAL Foundation. Yes, they’ve even got their own branded apparel—and, in true disruptive fashion, four people (so far) have taken the ultimate plunge and gotten Viking Sasquatch tattoos. If you're feeling particularly bold, Carney will pay for yours—just send him the receipt.
What drives this passion for problem-solving? Carney's roots as a "help-a-holic" stretch back to his time in the Navy. "I’ve always been driven to help people succeed," he says. And in the world of title and escrow, where he worked long before founding Viking Sasquatch, Carney saw firsthand how software systems were underwhelming. He knew the pain points, the bottlenecks, and the inefficiencies—and he knew how to fix them.
Take, for instance, a recent custom development job that should have taken two years to complete. Viking Sasquatch knocked it out in a fraction of that time, leveraging their unique approach to problem-solving. "We’re not just a company—we’re a team of problem solvers," says Carney. "We’re here to help our clients win, no matter what it takes."
So how does this team of renegades tackle the seemingly impossible? Carney’s methodology is refreshingly simple. First, identify how clients are doing things today. What processes are clunky, outdated, or draining too much time and energy? Next, zero in on the repetitive tasks. What’s wasting precious resources? And finally, ask the crucial question: what do people hate doing?
Often, Carney says, clients are so close to the problem that they can’t even see what’s really going on. That’s where Viking Sasquatch steps in—peeling back the layers and pulling solutions out of the complexity. "We’re not just solving problems—we’re creating solutions," he explains. It’s more than just troubleshooting; it’s reimagining what’s possible.
And if you think this is just about streamlining workflow or boosting efficiency, think again. Carney has a bigger challenge for the industry. "The old ways of doing things are no longer enough," he says. The industry is at a crossroads, and there’s a clear choice to be made: disrupt or be disrupted.
Pat’s rallying cry to anyone willing to listen is simple yet profound: What problem are you going to solve today? Which process are you going to revolutionize? What piece of the status quo are you willing to shatter? The Viking Sasquatch mentality isn’t for the faint of heart—it’s for the risk-takers, the boundary-pushers, and those with the courage to upend an industry steeped in tradition.
And for those ready to join the Viking Sasquatch revolution, the invitation is open: stand out, take risks, and leave the old ways behind. It’s time to unleash your inner Viking Sasquatch and start solving the problems everyone else has overlooked.
Oh, and that tattoo? It’s not just a badge of honor—it’s a symbol of commitment. If you’re brave enough to ink the Viking Sasquatch logo, consider it fully reimbursed by Carney himself. Think of it as the ultimate proof that you’re ready to challenge everything.
Because in this industry, standing still is no longer an option. It’s time to evolve—or become a relic of the past.
The Growth & Scale Report is published by CloseSimple, and explores strategies for growth and tools for scaling your title or escrow company. The report emphasizes the art of balancing growth and scale, with a focus on personal and organizational success stories. It aims to share insights from industry leaders who have navigated these challenges, providing a platform for broader conversations in the business landscape.