CloseSimple - Resources

[VIDEO] CloseSimple's ALTA Springboard Most Talked About Features.

Written by Bill Svoboda | March 26, 2019

It was a blast to see everyone in Memphis, TN, at ALTA Springboard.  The conference flew by, and as we got back to Minneapolis, we realized the same questions and topics of conversation came up over and over ...
- How our Text Messaging works.
- How CloseSimple helps elevate the closing experience for all parties.
- How CloseSimple does not have a Realtor or Consumer Portal (we do not require anyone to log in to see the status of their files).
- How our Emails look and how they are triggered in the Title Production Software.
- What Title Production Software we integrate with.
So here's a quick video that we made (just over 2 min long) so you can see CloseSimple in action and to answer some of those questions.

Let us know if you had any questions- and we'd love to chat about how the Text Messages, Beautiful Emails and the Pizza Tracker for Titleā„¢ could help you elevate the closing process for your all parties.