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[VIDEO] Mini Sales Master Class with Dr. Cindy McGovern: Hosted by CloseSimple

Written by Bill Svoboda | May 06, 2020

When Dr. Cindy and I started to talk about the concept for a Mini Sales Master Class for the Title/Escrow Industry, we had no idea how much the Corona Virus would change our world and our industry. So as things seemed to get more serious each day, we decided that now, more than ever, it was the right time to release something like this 6-week class to help everyone in this industry during this time of uncertainty.



I believe we can all come out of this stronger than before, but we must view this time as an Opportunity, not an Obstacle... and that is part of what we'll be tackling in this course.

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Amidst the Corona Virus we have seen that staying connected matters more today than ever before. If we are all going to get through this (and come out stronger), we gotta pull together. That's what this 6-week course is all about. Coming together, sharing Ideas & casting a vision for the future while providing clear steps that each of us can take TODAY to get get there (whenever this passes).

So get ready to roll your sleeves up, take notes and apply what we talk about to your business... and we can't wait to hear the success stories that come from our time together.

Sign up today to receive a weekly email for the next 6 weeks with a short video.

Each video will feature action-oriented takeaways & will be short enough to watch in one sitting.  You will also receive an invitation to our LinkedIn group so you can watch the video and continue the conversation online with other members of the Master Class.

Topics in this Mini-Sales Master Class will include: 

  How to create a Sales Culture & learn why everyone in your Title Company is actually a Sales person.

  Why great Customer Service is NOT enough anymore & what that means for your title company.

  Learning how to ASK for the next file & actually GET the next file with a company-wide "way of doing business."  

  How to win new business in the new Age of Connectivity by "speaking the same language" as your best referral sources.

  Ways to Stand Out in a crowded market by changing the conversation from "title" & "escrow" to what Realtors actually care about.

  How to turn a current relationship into a customer. 

  How to send a Thank You Note that will help you get the next deal & strengthen a relationship.


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