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[VIDEO] ALTA One Innovation & Growth Panel

Written by Bill Svoboda | October 22, 2018

It was a huge honor having our co-founder, Bill Svoboda, moderate the Agent Innovation & Growth Panel at ALTA One 2018 (October 9-12th) in Los Angeles, California. The goal of the 15-minute session was to discuss specific and tactical ways that Title Agents are growing their sales through innovation. 
Panelists include Lisa Steele (Mother Lode Holding Company), Andi Bolin (Celebrity Title) and Bernt Nesset (multiple brands).  Takeaways include:

- How to target the opposite-side Real Estate Agent to gain their future business.
- How to grow your sales by strategically showcasing new technology to Real Estate Agents. 
- How to engage the Millennial workforce as Sales Agents for your company.
- What do to on Social Media to boost your companies online presence and grow sales.
- Why the Millennial workforce must taught how to prioritize what is most important, so they can go after the largest potential customers. 


If you had any specific questions or ideas on what has been working for you, please drop us a Contact Message because we'd love to hear from you - and we want to help your title company grow.